Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Science Animations: Movies & Interactive Tutorial Links

The Science Animations Web site created by Rose Marie Chute (biology, Lone Star College) indexes a collection of links to interactive science content available on the Internet. The collection includes general science materials as well as sections on microbiology, plants, ecology, animals, astronomy, geology, and physics.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Journal of Geosciences

The Journal of Geosciences (formerly Journal of the Czech Geological Society) is a freely available online geological journal that focuses on "all aspects of nature and origin of crystalline complexes". Archived volumes are available from 1993 for the Journal of the Czech Geological Society and continue on a biannual basis as the Journal of Geosciences and also published in print by the Czech Geological Society. Articles are available to download as PDF files.
Copyright © 2006-2008

Journal of Earth System Science

The Journal of Earth System Science (formerly Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences) is a free bimonthly online journal published by the Indian Academy of Sciences and Springer. It covers all aspects of earth sciences including: the solid earth; the atmosphere; the hydrosphere, and the biosphere; related aspects of planetary and space sciences; and some articles have particular reference to the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding Indian Ocean region. Full text articles are available to download as PDF files from early 2000
Copyright © 2006-2008


The Wormatlas site is created by Zeynep Altun, David Hall and others at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. It is a database of behavioural and structural anatomy of Caenorhabditis elegans.

Microbial Life-Educational Resources

The Marine Biology Laboratory of Woods Hole, Massachusetts and Montana State University re the collaborators on this easily navigable website of educational resources about microbial life. The goal of the site is to provide expert information about microorganisms for K-12 classrooms, university educators, and the general public. They effectively accomplish their goal here, with a host of resources, in formats appropriate for different knowledge levels, in a well-organized manner. For all of the topics covered, three levels of information are provided. Resources such as newspapers, websites, and magazine articles are provided for general learners; journal articles and academic reviews are provided for advanced learners; and activities, assignments, and readings are provided for educators. Interestingly, one of the activities found in the "Teaching
Methods" tab on the left side of the homepage, is how to use the Socratic Method with students, with question suggestions, rules of participation, and what to expect from the students. An interesting part of the website is its focus on the microorganisms that live in extreme nvironments. Visitors can learn about the many types of extremes environments, the extremophiles, and how to teach about extreme environments in K-12 classrooms, by clicking on the "Extreme Environments" tab on the left side of the homepage. The photos of the extreme environments resemble abstract art with their close ups of the microorganisms in their environment. By clicking on the "Online Resources" tab on the left hand side of the homepage, visitors will be taken to a virtual index of their resources, where they can also narrow their view
by resource type, subject, environment type, and grade-level. Each category that can be used to narrow results also shows how many entries are available for that category. [KMG]
From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

Friday, November 21, 2008

ActionBioscience: Issues in Biotechnology

Created by the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the ActionBioscience website is designed to promote bioscience literacy through a host of educational activities, worksheets, interactive features, and online demonstrations and visualizations. This particular part of the site looks at issues in biotechnology through a range of articles and activities that can be used in classrooms or for personal edification. This sectioncontains over two dozen of these activities, arranged into thematic sections including technology and ethics, cloning, and medical biotechnology. Each article contains a brief introduction, a set of related external links, and a set of references for future use. Some of the pieces that shouldn't be missed are "Agricultural bioterrorism" by Radford G. Davis and "Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations" by Nicholas Agar. [KMG]
From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.