Thursday, October 29, 2009

Math Vids combines math education and video file sharing capabilities, bringing a fresh approach to the strategy of teaching to many different types of learners. The vision of is to provide every student in the country with an equal opportunity to access high quality lessons on math topics ranging from middle school through college to improve mathematical literacy in the 21st century.

Civil Engineering Database

ASCE's electronic information retrieval service to all of its publications. Provides Access to over 100,000 Bibliographic and Abstracted Records - Current Coverage: 1970 - Present

Portal to the universe

"Keeping up-to-date with cutting-edge astronomy and space science breakthroughs has just become that much easier, thanks to the Portal To The Universe, the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). As a high-tech website embracing Web 2.0 technologies, the Portal To The Universe aims to become a one-stop-shop for astronomy news."


"HubbleSite is the home of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, the renowned orbiting telescope whose discoveries have forever altered our knowledge of the universe."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

antimatter: does it matter?

This new site, from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Antimatter-Matter Studies "introduces the world of antimatter. Designed for everyone, this site explores the history and uses of antimatter and positrons in the everyday world. Along the way, we bust a few myths common to popular culture"

Saturday, October 17, 2009

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

With academic partners located within universities from Tehran to Lamar, Texas, the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) sponsors a journal and numerous conferences. On their homepage, visitors can look through six primary sections, including Notices", "Events", "Programs", "Journals", and "FAQs". Scholars and others with a similar bent will want to take a close look at the "Journals" section. All told, the WASET publishes journals that range across the social, natural, and physical sciences, and visitors have access to various issues here. In the "Partners" area, visitors can learn about WASET's member institutions. Moving on, the "Indexes" area features an annotated selection of links to other relevant abstracting sources, like Creative Commons and the Electronic Journals Library.

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

Nature Milestones

What were the most important advances in cutaneous biology of the past 100 years? The Nature Milestones website provides a detailed answer to that question, along with similar responses regarding light microscopy, cancer, and gene expression. All told there are ten special features on the site, and each feature includes an interactive timeline, scientific commentaries, and a selection of articles from Nature magazine and other peer-reviewed publications. Additionally, each feature includes a list of academic advisors, sponsors, and links to external resources on the subject. Visitors may wish to use these resources in the classroom setting, as they provide basic and advanced materials that can be used by a number of introductory courses. Finally, a number of the materials are also available in the pdf format for easy printing

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Anyone can search this site, and ResearcherID allows registered users to create their own unique ID, enter their publications, and thereafter to more easily communicate and collaborate with other authors.

Publication records can be added to ResearcherID from Web of Science (WOS), or from EndNote or EndNote web. An advantage of adding from WOS is that an author's citation data will automatically update as WOS updates.

Incidentally, references from ResearchOnline@JCU (was JCU ePrints) can be exported to Endnote and from there to ResearcherID. Also, WOS, EndNote Web and ResearcherID all share login details for registered users.

An article about this: Are you ready to become a number? was published in Science 27 March 2009: Vol. 323. no. 5922, pp. 1662 - 1664

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sixty symbols : videos about the symbols of physics and astronomy

The University of Nottingham has produced this collection of sixty videos narrated by scientists from the University explaining symbols used in physics and astronomy. The videos are also available on the University's YouTube channel. A further sixty videos are planned

Copyright 2006-2009

Academic Earth: Physics

"Academic Earth is an organization founded with the goal of giving everyone on earth access to a world-class education." It aims to provide on its website video courses and lectures from leading scholars. The physics section of Academic Earth currently (October 2009) includes videos from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Yale University covering topics in astrophysics and general physics.

Copyright 2006-2009

Free Engineering Ebooks

This blog site includes links to books on engineering that can be downloaded for free in pdf format. It is divided into the following categories: Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Geodetic Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Mining Engineering and also Telecommunication Engineering.

There are tables of contents as well as information on related publications for each one. It is updated on average twice a month

Copyright 2006-2009

Sustainable Concrete

This site includes pdf format reports, guidance and white papers on the sustainability issues relating to the use of concrete.

There is a technical FAQ. A series of articles on sustainability and sustainable design principles for the use of concrete are provided. References are given.

Copyright 2006-2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Mathematical Association of America: Podcast Center

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) has done an excellent service by placing this collection of podcasts online. This diverse set of podcasts
consists of talks and presentations given at MAA-sponsored events, and visitors are welcome to use them in the classroom or for their own personal
edification. The podcasts here extend back to the spring of 2007, and the presentations include "Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?" and "The Joy of
Solving Equations". The speakers include experts from Brandeis University, the University of Montreal, and Macalester College. It's also worth noting
that for many of the lectures, an accompanying article is available for consultation.

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

From the faq on the website:

1. How do I interpret a journal's Eigenfactor score?
A journal's Eigenfactor score is our measure of the journal's total importance to the scientific community. With all else equal, a journal's Eigenfactor score doubles when it doubles in size. Thus a very large journal such as the Journal of Biological Chemistry which publishes more than 6,000 articles annually, will have extremely high Eigenfactor scores simply based upon its size.

2. How do I interpret a journal's Article Influence score?

A journal's Article Influence score is a measure of the average influence of each of its articles over the first five years after publication. Article Influence score measures the average influence, per article, of the papers in a journal. As such, it is comparable to Thomson Scientific's widely-used Impact Factor. Article Influence scores are normalized so that the mean article in the entire Thomson Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database has an article influence of 1.00. In 2006, the top journal by Article Influence score is Annual Reviews of Immunology, with an article influence of 27.454. This means that the average article in that journal has twenty seven times the influence of the mean journal in the JCR......

Endangered Species: Selected Internet Resources

A guide provided by the Library of Congress & including resources from:
  • The Audubon Society
  • Center for Biological Diversity
  • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
  • Fish & Wildlife Service
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
  • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service
  • World Conservation Monitoring Centre
  • World Wildlife Fund