Friday, January 29, 2010

Ethics in Science and Engineering National Clearinghouse (Beta)

Over the past several years, the National Science Foundation's Office of Integrative Research sponsored a project at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to create an Ethics in Science and Engineering National Clearinghouse (ESENCe). The Clearinghouse "uses state-of-the-art digital tools to preserve and widely disseminate a variety of materials on ethics and the responsible conduct of research in science and engineering disciplines." On the homepage, visitors can check out the scrolling news updates ("Research Ethics News") culled from around hundreds of different sources, or scroll down the homepage to view an interactive clickable map of related news items from around the world. On the left side of the page, visitors will notice the "Paper of the Day" feature and the "At a Glance" area, which includes the top 10 downloaded items and recent additions to the site. The site is a tremendous resource for scientists, philosophers, and students who wish to stay on top of cutting edge work in these subjects.
From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2010.

Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students

Penn State University provides a great web resource for all engineering and science students with the models, exercises, and advice that it gives for over a half dozen type of documents they will likely encounter in their schooling and eventual professions. On the left hand side of the homepage
visitors will find "Student Resources", "Instructor Resources", and links to the "Contributors", which include "Virginia Tech", "University of Illinois", and "Georgia Tech". The "Introduction" on the homepage, offers the following basics to consider when starting a paper: "Assessing the
Audience", "Selecting the Format", and "Crafting the Style". Also on the homepage the site gives links to guidance on "Presentations", "Correspondence", "Formal Reports", "Proposals", "Instructions", and "Journal Articles". The "Design of Presentation Slides", under the
"Presentations" link, demonstrates the use of the assertion-evidence structure for presentation slides, as opposed to the typical PowerPoint template, along with many resources on the left hand side of the page that tout the benefits of that structure.

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Database

Leading open-access reference database for scientific literature published worldwide on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.
  • Over 3 million bibliographic citations and abstracts of journal articles, scientific and technical reports, conference papers, books, patents, theses, laws, regulations and standards, and web documents, covering publications in 63 languages; all records include keywords and most have an abstract in English
  • Includes a unique online collection of over 200 000 full-text documents: scientific and technical reports, conference proceedings, patents, theses, and preprints. This “grey” non-conventional literature (NCL) is not easily available from other sources

Linus Pauling Online

Pesented by the Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections

National Science Foundation: Tour of the Cell

A cell happens to be the smallest unit of life, but there's a tremendous amount of activity going on within this very fascinating place. The talented people at the National Science Foundation (NSF) are well aware of this fact, and they have created this illuminating and interactive visual feature to
help people learn about the cell's different components. On the homepage, visitors are presented with a clickable illustration of the cell's primary components, including the nucleus, the cell membrane, and mitochondria. Clicking on any of these various items brings up a detailed illustration, complete with a brief description of its function. Finally, visitors can also view the complete illustration by clicking on the "Full Illustration" link.
From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.