Friday, June 7, 2013

Phenomena: A science salon hosted by National Geographic Magazine

In the 19th century, the height of a learned experience might be taking part in a salon in the grand quarters of a beautiful manse. In our own time, it's much easier to take part in such erudite explorations. This online Phenomena salon is "a gathering of spirited science writers who take delight in the new, the strange, the beautiful and awe-inspiring details of our world." Hosted by National Geographic's Jamie Shreeve, the site includes thought-provoking essays, reader feedback, and an ongoing conversation about the very broad and deep world of science. Visitors can search all of the entries, or they can look through sections that include The Loom (which houses work by Carl Zimmer) and Only Human (written by Virginia Hughes). Recent entries include "With Alzheimer's Comes Empathy" and "For the Love of Dinosaurs." Overall, the material is accessible, thoughtful and well worth a close look.

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2013. 

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